About the Series

Dimension Walker, Reality Weaver (DWRW) is an original urban fantasy series centering around a group of beings known as “Dimension Walkers” and “Reality Weavers”, who travel through the multiverse as they battle with the forces of evil. The main story follows Thea Rousseau-Capello, a young girl from a universe similar to ours that gets thrown into the world of magic, monsters, and divinity after a disastrous field trip leads her to a safe haven known as Camp Walker. Along with her newfound friends, Thea tries to comprehend the worlds around her as she faces off with a mysterious adversary that has been lurking in the shadows for thousands of millennia.

Disclaimers & Warnings

This work contains strong and potentially offensive language, mentions/minor depictions of death, mild depictions of violence, references to abuse and assault, potentially unsettling imagery, and dumb kids being dumb kids. Reader discretion is advised.

This work also references mythological deities and entities of folklore, with considerable creative liberties taken. The author is but a lover of mythology who means no offense to those who worship these gods. Their presence within the context of the novel is merely their interpretation of their mythological roles/stories and how would they function in a multiversal reality.